How Windows Affect the Efficiency of Your HVAC System | DIY Home Comfort

How Windows Affect the Efficiency of Your HVAC System | DIY Home Comfort

During cold weather, HVAC systems can run efficiently as people do not feel the need to open a window. However, when it's hot, people inevitably want to open a window to let the fresh air in.

Therefore, it's essential to be wary as windows can affect the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Working Harder

Simply put, when you open a window, your HVAC system has to compensate for the lost air to maintain a consistent temperature.

When the window is closed, your HVAC system can work according to its designed load.

Sometimes it can be necessary to open a window if it is a particularly dry, humid or stuffy day. In this instance, you should turn off your HVAC system while you have open windows.

Aside from preventing your system from overheating, it will also save you money (with recently increased energy costs, this becomes even more important).

Check the Forecast

While leaving the window open when it's warm can make a room feel airier, there is the risk of your floors getting wet if it suddenly rains.

This is especially the case during scorching weather as heavy thunderstorms can often occur.

Another potential issue is pollen. If you suffer from allergies, open windows can mean more pollen and other allergens get into the house, so it's worth considering leaving windows closed during days with a high pollen count.

Use a Ceiling Fan Instead

When you shut off your HVAC system, airflow stops around your home. Using a ceiling fan is an option if you want to circulate air but don't want to open a window.

If you wish for additional fresh air, opening side windows can create cross-ventilation that can make rooms feel airy and more comfortable (though, as with the main front windows, these should be closed if rain is forecast).

Keeping your home clean, such as vacuuming floors and wiping down surfaces, can also help to prevent the spread of allergens.

Avoid Excessive Shutdown Time

If HVAC systems are shut down for too long, there is the risk that they can gather dust, and this could damage the system, making it less efficient.

It is also vital to shut windows at night, as this can be a potential security risk.

Keep Your HVAC Maintained

Whether summer or winter, you should have your HVAC system regularly inspected by a certified HVAC repair professional.

Keeping it well maintained and clean will help keep it working as efficiently as possible, reducing energy costs.

With the right approach, you can keep your home airy and comfortable without spending excessive energy costs.

Scott Harding

Scott is the main author of DIY Home Comfort. He's also an experienced HVAC technician that enjoys home renovation and spending time with his family. You can find out more about him here.

DIY Home Comfort was created by Scott & Lara Harding for the modern homeowner.

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