Simple Ways To Save Money With Green Energy | DIY Home Comfort

Simple Ways To Save Money With Green Energy | DIY Home Comfort

Now that winter is here, you may be thinking about the Christmas holidays, but you may also be looking for ways to save money.

One way to save money over the long term is to find greener, more energy-efficient ways to heat your home.

Taking advantage of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power not only saves you money right now but also preserves the environment for our grandchildren…

Those little ones that are fascinated by all the presents under the tree right now are the same ones who will benefit from an even better gift from you—the gift of a healthy planet!

So, if you want your home to be green regarding energy consumption, keep reading to find helpful tips and advice on how you can start doing that today.

💚 Unplug!

Be a better energy consumer, and cut your home energy usage by unplugging your electronics when they are not being used.

These may currently not be In use, but items such as cell phone chargers, laptops and other devices draw energy when left plugged in.

💚 Check Your Filters!

Furnace filters should be replaced annually and checked monthly for cleanliness.

Warm-air registers should also have air filters installed in them. This helps keep dirt and debris from clogging vents and reducing their overall efficiency.

💚 Think Solar!

If you are considering installing a solar power system in your home, you need to calculate the amount of power the system can produce using sunshine hours in winter.

This helps avoid unpleasant surprises during winter and ensures your energy needs are met in summer.

If your system generates excess energy during the summer, with the right plan, your utility company may send you a check!

💚 Keep them Cold!

Keep your refrigerator in good condition. Since refrigerators are high-consumption appliances, you must keep them running efficiently.

Clean heating and cooling coils regularly to get rid of dust. Make sure the door seal is clean and also tight.

💚 Airflow!

Help control the air flow in your home by installing a storm door and windows.

The cold air from drafts can be reduced with proper care for doors and windows.

Sometimes electric savings can be up to 45 percent on homes with storm windows instead of single-pane windows.

💚 Stay Warm Naturally!

Dressing warm is an easy way to cut energy costs and go green. So, wear a sweater to save some money.


Of course, this holiday season, it might be hard to remember some things: after all, someone is ALWAYS in the fridge, and someone else is probably ALWAYS leaving the back door open…

But as you consider your rising energy bill and the importance of a green legacy for all the family gathered around the tree right now, it just makes sense to leave them cleaner earth to enjoy!

By using green energy today, you are saving money and the planet. As this article shows, going green is not expensive or complicated.

Use the solid information you have learned, and apply it to your home to make it more environmentally friendly and efficient.

Scott Harding

Scott is the main author of DIY Home Comfort. He's also an experienced HVAC technician that enjoys home renovation and spending time with his family. You can find out more about him here.

DIY Home Comfort was created by Scott & Lara Harding for the modern homeowner.

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